Qi Gong Workshop – Victoria, BC

Qi Gong Workshop – Victoria, BC

It’s finally here!

Thank you everyone for for being so patient while we’ve been organizing this workshop. It’s going to be a great event with loads of information, inspiration and practice. I’m really excited about it!

Here are the details:

Workshop: Qi Gong for Health, Vitality and Longevity
Location: Camosun College Landsdowne Campus, Victoria BC
Date: Saturday, August 21, 2010 9:00 am – 3:30 pm
Cost: $95 + tax

Qi gong, or Chi kung is an ancient practice developed to build energy and health using simple movements, breathing exercises and visualization. It is easy to do, gentle on the body, and highly effective. Practiced throughout China, Japan and Asia, qi gong can strengthen the body, reduce pain, increase energy, reduce stress, slow the aging process, improve the immune system and bring clarity to the mind. Qi gong improves health and vitality using the concept of qi.

In this workshop you will learn:

  • The most effective qi gong movements for health
  • Dynamic/flow qi gong exercises
  • Static or stance exercises
  • Basic and intermediate meditation practices
  • What is qi and how it relates to healing
  • How to improve your own qi circulation
  • How to become healthy from the ‘root’
  • Common issues with other healing systems
  • Discussion on qi gong healing

Qi Gong for Health, Vitality and Longevity is based on several different qi gong, tai chi, yoga, and meditation systems. With over 10 years of clinical experience as an acupuncturist and over 15 years of qi gong study, Jeffrey combines the best of each system in a simple and highly effective method that anyone can do. If the health benefits of qi gong sound too good to be true – try it for yourself and see!

Please register early as there is a limited amount of space.