Tim Van Orden- Running Raw

I recently went to a lecture by Tim Van Orden titled “Running Raw” put on by Vancouver Island Vegetarian Association VIVA. Tim is a raw foodist  that has a great understanding of what it is to be a high level athlete and healthy at the same time. Tim aims to consume a raw, vegan, plant based diet 95% of time time without over-consuming nuts and seeds. I was impressed with his depth of knowledge, and his analytical approach. Why would one follow such a lifestyle? For a few reasons: Nutrient Density- with a diet comprised of tons of leafy greens, low glycemic fruits, and healthy fats you consume a massive amount of nutrients per calorie. This is opposite to the Standard North American diet which is very high in calories but low in nutrients. Low “toxic” diet- Cooking foods, especially high starch foods like potatoes, at high temperatures actually change the structure of the molecules causing them to produce a substance called “acrylamides”. Acrylamides are actually toxic and are known carcinogens, cancer causing agents. High “net gain”- Digesting food takes energy. Digesting food creates energy. If you eat foods that are take little energy to digest (such as a raw food diet) then you have a net gain of energy. The North American diet takes a lot of energy to digest resulting in a ‘net loss’ of energy. That is a very over-simplified explanation! As you can imagine following this type of lifestyle is not for everyone, I fully appreciate how difficult it can be to stick to this plan. The most valuable piece of advice I took from...
New Clinic Member

New Clinic Member

I realize that it has been over a month since my last article. I have been distracted by Penny, our 16 week Lab/Poodle ball of furry fury! She is a bundle of energy, tons of fun, and a lot of work!  She will be available to see patients in the near future when she stops viewing everyone as a chew toy.Her specialty is: lowering stress lowering blood pressure and making people talk in a high pitched voice Actually, it has been very interesting watching Penny’s development over the last couple months. We first saw her when she was 2 days old and literally fit in the palm of my hand. Everything was so new to her and it is amazing to see how her mind processes the world around her. What I have learned is that there are some similarities between humans and animals; we respond best to regular routine. Penny does really well when she wakes, eats, walks, plays, and rests at the same time everyday. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine we should also be following a very regular schedule as well. The ancient Taoists were very strict about their routine, as they believed that it preserved their “life energy” or jing. They would rise with the sun and retire at sunset, eat light meals, and meditate twice a day at the same time. Until next time, stay regular and…   ~Think...

Health File

When I see patients for the first time we go through an ‘Initial Intake’ and ‘Evaluation’ which includes family history, and about 45 minutes of interrogation and grilling in order to determine the best treatment plan. During this time I am largely dependent on a persons memory and recollection of their own health history. Fortunately Traditional Chinese Medicine has tools (such as tongue diagnosis, observation, pulse diagnosis etc.) that are objective that do not rely on memory. Pretty much everyone forgets dates, medications, symptoms, and details of their own health. This is why I highly recommend you  keep all of your lab reports, symptoms, treatments, and anything health related for you and every family member (including the 4 legged furry ones!) in a simple binder. Most doctors will give you copies of your lab results, x-rays, scans, and so forth and even if it just seems like a lot of gibberish it will be really useful down the road. Along with keeping your records write down in point form symptoms that you are experiencing and the date. June 1, 2004 – Fell of high horse, hurt right ankle Feb 3, 2010- Food poisoning in at Aunt Marsha’s Church potluck Dec 11, 2006- Flu after office Christmas party, missed 3 days of work August 14, 2009- Hives on arms and face during outdoor Lawn bowling tournament So, grab any old binder and begin your Health File today!   ~Think Vitality!~...

We have gone WorldWide!

Thanks to Mr. R.A.B. “Qi Gong for Vitality, Health, and Longevity” is now going to be practiced in Mexico! This is very exciting to me to know that there are people all over Canada, the United States, England, Ireland, Europe, and now Mexico practicing Qi Gong. I get emails and people telling me weekly about how the simple 18 minute practice helps lower stress, increase energy, and calm the mind. I attended a seminar last year where the instructor was asked, “What’s the best exercise to do?” The answer was, “The one that you ACTUALLY do!” I thought that was brilliant and a good reminder that we don’t need to over think our exercise and stress reducing activites, we just need to do them regularly! We are working on a downloadable version of the Qi Gong routine that can be put on to your mp3 players, ipods, iphones, and smartphones so that it can be available to practice anytime you desire. And, we are working on an audio version that can be used in the same way. But until then, keep practicing with what you have available! ~Think...
Thanks for the Amazing Workshop

Thanks for the Amazing Workshop

This weekend was the Intro to TCM and Meridian Therapy workshop up at Camosun College. Thank you to everyone who attended, especially to those of you who came from Campbell River, Nanaimo, and Duncan! Last “Intro to TCM” workshop an attendee said, “That was ALL of Traditional Chinese Medicine squeezed into 2 days!” and they were right! You all did really great understanding such a massive topic! As you would imagine, I left some details out! If you are wanting more information check out these books: “The Web that has No Weaver” by Ted Kapchuk.This book discusses the underlying principles of TCM in a simple easy to understand language on the principles of TCM “The Power of the 5 Elements” by Charles Moss.This book talks about the 5 elements, the personalities, and how to better understand them. There have been several emails already about follow up courses on Qi Gong, diet, and exercises. I will keep you informed about upcoming classes. There has also been significant interest in the Okangan region so if you know of any other massage therapists in that area let them know we may be running a workshop there! Thanks for the feedback as well, it helps us make the future courses better! For those who attended remember that the key to understanding the principles is practice. Keep observing, reflect on your own experiences and you will see the principles will start making more sense. ~Think...