Prevent getting sick with Gall Bladder 20 -Fengchi

As I walked around the park the other morning in Victoria I noticed the leaves are changing color, the air is crisp, and fall is setting in. Now that kids are back in school and the weather is cooling many people get sick with the common cold this time of year. Acupuncture theory believes that exposure to “wind” and “cold” at an acupuncture point on the back of the neck allows “pathogens” to enter into the body. This point is called “Fengchi” or gallbladder 20. “Feng” means wind, and “chi” means pool. You can protect yourself from “exterior pathogens” by simply covering Fengchi when you are outside. Scarves seem to be stylish now days so wrap up before heading outside! Exterior pathogens can be cold, hot, damp, wind, dryness, or damp heat and comes from the outside of the body. Interior pathogens arise from imbalances inside the body due to stress, diet, exercise, sleep, and lifestyle. You may also find that if you are just beginning to get sick Fengchi might feel stiff and tight. If you massage this point (or better yet get someone else to massage it!) you can avoid becoming ill.   ~Think...

Five Elements Test

Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on a several principles; the Yin and Yang Theory, Meridian Theory, Qi Theory just to mention a few. One important and very complex idea is the 5 Elements. 5 Elements was developed by observing nature and noticing that everything is either one or a combination of 5 different ‘elements.’ Each element represents a combination of personality traits, health patterns, and ideal lifestyles. It is important to recognize your ‘nature’ and keep yourself in harmony with the other ‘elements.’ Here is an online questionnaire that can help determine what element you may be. Acupuncture, qi gong, exercise, diet and lifestyle can help encourage your element and live in balance but it helps if you know what element you are first! What element are you? Take a simple test here.   ~Think...

Health File

When I see patients for the first time we go through an ‘Initial Intake’ and ‘Evaluation’ which includes family history, and about 45 minutes of interrogation and grilling in order to determine the best treatment plan. During this time I am largely dependent on a persons memory and recollection of their own health history. Fortunately Traditional Chinese Medicine has tools (such as tongue diagnosis, observation, pulse diagnosis etc.) that are objective that do not rely on memory. Pretty much everyone forgets dates, medications, symptoms, and details of their own health. This is why I highly recommend you  keep all of your lab reports, symptoms, treatments, and anything health related for you and every family member (including the 4 legged furry ones!) in a simple binder. Most doctors will give you copies of your lab results, x-rays, scans, and so forth and even if it just seems like a lot of gibberish it will be really useful down the road. Along with keeping your records write down in point form symptoms that you are experiencing and the date. June 1, 2004 – Fell of high horse, hurt right ankle Feb 3, 2010- Food poisoning in at Aunt Marsha’s Church potluck Dec 11, 2006- Flu after office Christmas party, missed 3 days of work August 14, 2009- Hives on arms and face during outdoor Lawn bowling tournament So, grab any old binder and begin your Health File today!   ~Think Vitality!~...

Qi Gong Workshop follow up

This weekend was the first full day qi gong workshop here in Victoria and judging by the feedback, it went well! Thank you to everyone who attended and for giving me such valuable feedback. I read the suggestions everyone had with great interest because I would like to offer as much value as I can and work out all the kinks. What a few people mentioned was they wanted a little bit more feedback on their form and how they were doing. I think this is a valuable part of learning from a real person rather than books or videos. On November 6th, 2010 we are planning the next seminar where I will devote time specifically to helping intermediate people improve their techniques as well as teaching the absolute beginners. So mark your calendars and start spreading the word if you know anyone that might benefit from qi gong! On the note of ‘spreading the word,’ I received a serious ‘beat down’ for not having a facebook fan page. So, here it is! You can “like” the page and find health tips, information, inspiration, upcoming events and happenings. For those of you who are new to fan pages, rest assured I cannot see your personal information or wild weekend pictures! In the meantime, start boosting your immune system because in 2 weeks time a lot of people are going to be getting sick because of kids going back to school! ~Think Vitality!~ photo...