Jeffrey Chand | Coastal Acupuncture and Wellness - Part 7

Merry New Years!

Welcome to 2012! I was watching people mope around in the rainy Victoria sidewalks today and noticed that there is a definite “holiday-worn” look that many people are wearing. We ate our plum pudding, buried our mashed potatoes in gravy, and drank bubbly grape juice at the stroke of midnight, so it must mean the holidays are over. The beginning of the year is a great time to reflect on the previous year, take note of what we have learned, and plan the year ahead. While I don’t like the term “New Years Resolution” I think there is tremendous value in goal setting. We should be goal setting at least once a year. Highly productive people goal set and make a plan of action at least once a month. Studies show that by simply writing down your “intentions” for the year make you 70% more likely to achieve them, even if you put them in a drawer and never think about it until this time next year. So, if you could fast forward to December 31, 2012 and you could look back and say, “That was a great year!” what would have needed to happen? Do you need to stop smoking? Lose weight? Improve your diet? Start exercising? Manage stress? Sleep more? Do you need to change careers? Change your outlook? Change the people you surround yourself with? Do you need to travel? Take a vacation? Build that invention that you had stored in your mind? Learn French? I would encourage you to ask yourself that simple question. If nothing comes to mind, it’s OK, just wait. Often people...

How to have more energy during the holidays

It is a very busy time of year with parties, “must-do’s” and “should-do’s.” Having an acupuncture practice is a great opportunity to see how all sorts of different people from a variety of backgrounds respond to the holidays. Some have really busy schedules, others keep the season low key. For those who whip themselves up into a frenzy I offer this idea I heard from a lecture about being creative, and highly productive. There were 8 steps to follow to help free your energy to focus on being creative and innovative. The first and most important step is to “Terminate.” At first I thought I heard wrong, but the idea was to stop doing what you DON’T need to do. Many people give a whole lot of energy to tasks that won’t bring them any closer to their end goals. So you may be able to put that extra set of light on the 50ft tree in your front yard  (makes me think of Clark Griswold!). Or you may be able to make a turkey, ham, salmon, roast beef, and lobster for dinner. You probably could make a four story gingerbread from fair trade ingredients from scratch! But, do you really need to? When you “Terminate” tasks that you don’t need to do you will free up energy to be fully present for what you really want to do- like visit with important people, enjoy traditions, or simply relax and rejuvenate during the holidays. ~Think...

How to Survive the Holidays – 4 Quick Tips

Christmas time is near and work, school, and family parties are plenty! During this time we are bombarded with food, drink, merriment, alcohol, excess sugar, fat and calories, followed by a dash of guilt and regret in the morning! After a few nights of trying to “behave” most people simply give up trying to resist the sweet lure of butter tarts, the call of Camembert, or the  egging on of the Eggnog and start over consuming until the “New Year.” If you want to avoid putting on holiday weight, feeling tired and sluggish during this time of year try these 4 tips. 1. Don’t Arrive Hungry 2. Stay well hydrated 3. Eat what you actually want 4. Control your portions You can also trying watching this quick video!  Excuse the ‘quality’ I am just getting familiar with the camera and a microphone! 4 Tips to Survive the Holidays ~Think...

Prevent getting sick with Gall Bladder 20 -Fengchi

As I walked around the park the other morning in Victoria I noticed the leaves are changing color, the air is crisp, and fall is setting in. Now that kids are back in school and the weather is cooling many people get sick with the common cold this time of year. Acupuncture theory believes that exposure to “wind” and “cold” at an acupuncture point on the back of the neck allows “pathogens” to enter into the body. This point is called “Fengchi” or gallbladder 20. “Feng” means wind, and “chi” means pool. You can protect yourself from “exterior pathogens” by simply covering Fengchi when you are outside. Scarves seem to be stylish now days so wrap up before heading outside! Exterior pathogens can be cold, hot, damp, wind, dryness, or damp heat and comes from the outside of the body. Interior pathogens arise from imbalances inside the body due to stress, diet, exercise, sleep, and lifestyle. You may also find that if you are just beginning to get sick Fengchi might feel stiff and tight. If you massage this point (or better yet get someone else to massage it!) you can avoid becoming ill.   ~Think...

5 Tips for Healthy Breakfasts

September is upon us, school zones are back in effect, and kids are back in school.  We have all heard, “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” so here are 5 easy tips to help your and your family start the day off on the right foot. 1 Breakfast smoothie Don’t have enough time to make a 5 course breakfast in the morning? Throw some fresh, or frozen fruit in a blender with a scoop of protein powder, some extra virgin coconut oil and you have a complete breakfast! 2 Add to your cereal Add plain yogurt, hemp hearts, frozen blueberries or blackberries, cinnamon, goji berries, and/or nuts and seeds to your regular cereal to make it pack a nutritional punch. 3 Almond butter Yes, “extra smooth peanut butter” is tasty but if you look at the ingredients you will find sugar is the second or third one. Try almond butter on sprouted grain toast (like Squirrely Bread), apple slices, or celery sticks. 4 Eggs with veggies Grab a couple of free range, free run, omega 3, or organic eggs and scramble them with 1 cup of veggies of your choosing. Using left over stir fry as your veggies makes for some interesting combinations! 5 Time One of the worst things to do is jump out of bed and attack the day with fury! Giving yourself an extra 15 minutes of slow, quality time in the morning can help you stay grounded and ‘present’ throughout the busy day!   ~Think...